Release Notes
v4.4.3 (August 19, 2024)
- Added support for Simulation Manager
- Fixed a bug which left out hysteresis losses from calculation
- Fixed an issue where due to slow frontend response input values glitched and switched back to previous ones
- Fixed a bug where after saving CENOS still thought the case was not saved
- Fixed multiple issues regarding legacy case opening in latest releases
v4.4.2 (August 1, 2024)
- Fixed issue with multithreading not working correctly
v4.4.1 (July 4, 2024)
- Fixed issue which did not allow user to stop calculation
- Fixed issue which did not allow user to stop mesh generation
v4.4.0 (June 27, 2024)
- Updated B(H) material data for Alloy Steel 42CrMo4
- Decreased calculation speed for cases with Complex Motion and many time steps (above 100-200 steps)
- Improved manual mesh skin layer UI
- Improved reliability of PDF report generation
- Improved overall calculation stability
- Time charts are now readable, if coil grouping has been used in the case setup
- For workpieces with internal, sealed cavities, air domain is now generated correctly
v4.3.2 (May 8, 2024)
- Fixed an issue where calculation was stopped if internet connection was lost
v4.3.1 (March 18, 2024)
- Fixed a bug which did not allow the mesh from Salome to be sent to CENOS in FromCAD approach
- Fixed a bug which did not allow to open Salome in some cases, if Advanced Geometry Editor workflow was used
- Fixed an issue that did not allow PDF file to be opened if Salome was used in the case setup
- Fixed a bug that showed phase shift if Transient EM calculation was selected in Electromagnetics block
- Fixed a bug that did not allow Transient EM calculation to be run in Electromagnetics block
- Fixed an issue where Curvature Safety control in CENOS meshing window was not working
- Fixed a bug which corrupted grouped inductor mesh if more than 9 windings were grouped together
- Fixed a bug which corrupted magnetic permeability field, if temperature dependant permeability was defined
- Fixed an issue where, if OTHER geometry role was defined, the domain did not show up in the results
v4.3 (February 6, 2024)
- Sliced coil winding grouping
- Thermal analysis for 3D Litz wire
- Air Symmetry role in 2D FromCAD cases now optional to allow planar case calculation
- Fixed an issue which caused unphysical hot spots, if specific cooling parameters were chosen
- Updated Terms & Conditions
v4.2 (September 22, 2023)
- 2D CAD support in From CAD approach
- Mesh inspection (clipping) in CENOS mesher
- Fixed a bug where convective power losses showed up incorrectly in 3D slice cases
- Fixed a bug where in PDF reports “Error” was shown at Terminals section
- Fixed a bug which caused the hardening profile filter to work incorrectly in some cases
- Fixed an issue which caused previous result overwriting if Continue From function was used
- Fixed a bug which caused PDF report generation to fail in cases with calculated hardness
- Fixed interpolation issue which caused problems with some material definitions
- Fixed a bug which caused Surface Impedance approach to fail
- Fixed a bug which showed Mode: Not Found in PDF report generation
- Fixed a bug which did not allow to use time step table values
- Fixed an issue which showed different calculation times in log and PDF report
v4.1.2 (June 5, 2023)
- Fixed a bug where the case crashed if IDEA 60 (20 kHz) flux concentrator material was used
- Fixed a problem where cases created in v4.0.1 and saved without a material were not opening in v4.1.1
v4.1.1 (May 25, 2023)
- Fixed a bug which blocked users from creating new custom materials or editing and re-saving existing ones
v4.1 (May 23, 2023)
- Hardness calculation from composition or hardness from cooling time table
- Reworked cooling definition interface
- Inductor Geometry Role is now automatically predefined in FromCAD approach
- Fixed a bug when submesh element count was not instantly updated after mesh recalculation
- Fixed a problem where PDF report was not generated
- Fixed an issue which did not allow to define counter-clockwise rotational movement
- Fixed a bug which crashed calculation if no thermal analysis was enabled
- Fixed a bug which caused geometry data inconsistency with mesh when mesh was created in Salome through FromCAD approach
- Fixed a bug where hardening profile and steel phases developed incorrectly if complex motion for workpiece was used
- Fixed a bug which did not save calculated results if collision between objects occurs
- Fixed a bug which caused an error when case with a state file was opened on another computer
- Fixed a bug which crashed calculation if temperature dependent emissivity was used
- Fixed a problem when in Advanced Geometry Editor approach resending changed group definitions from Salome to CENOS did not update previously sent groups
- Restored possibility to define expression to Fixed Temperature boundary condition
- Reduced thermal shock effect in cases with rotation
v4.0.1 (January 31, 2023)
- Added mesh volume gradient slider
- Added mesh curvature safety slider
- Improved overall error message handling and UX
- Fixed meshing issue which corrupted air mesh during motion
- Fixed a bug where manual sub-mesh changes were not saved in CENOS meshing
- Fixed Kernel error that randomly appeared at RUN
- Fixed a meshing problem where coil mesh in Templates developed weirdly at low frequencies
- Fixed the Core: XXXXXX error in simulation terminal
- Fixed an issue that crashed PDF and result generation if adaptive time step was used
- Fixed an error with state files not working
- Fixed an issue where calculation crashed if thermal analysis on the inductor were enabled
- Fixed a bug in meshing during complex motion, which often caused thermal shock
- Fixed an issue which crashed calculation if 0 was entered in the motion table
- Fixed result calculation issue where, if permeability field was enabled, permeability was not calculated in flux concentrators
- Fixed an issue with unphysical temperature distribution in symmetry cases
- Fixed a problem with voltage input crashing electromagnetic calculation
v4.0 (December 9, 2022)
- CENOS manual meshing
- CAD file replacement in From CAD approach
- Dynamic result processing during calculation
- Motion table values
- Improved convergence
- Significantly improved automatic meshing capabilities in FromCAD approach
- Improved error messaging for problems caused by convergence, meshing and material properties
- Reworked advanced result field interface
- Automatic volume naming based on applied geometry role in FromCAD approach
- Improved support chat functionality
- Fixed automatic skin layer mesh generation in FromCAD approach
- Preview highlighting when hovering over boundary conditions list is now working
- PDF report generation failed in some cases